Humanists for Social Justice and Environmental Action supports Human Rights, Social and Economic Justice, Environmental Activism and Planetary Ethics in North America & Globally, with particular reference to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other Human Rights UN treaties and conventions listed above.


Day of the Disappeared | Amnesty International

Day of the Disappeared | Amnesty International
On August 30, Amnesty International will observe the International Day of the Disappeared. We call on governments around the world to disclose the status of individuals or groups who have been "disappeared" or taken for political, social or other reasons violating human rights. Those found to be involved in their disappearance must be brought to justice.

Take action on behalf of the Day of the Disappeared cases on the website, or learn about other disappeared cases   You can click on the website links to write to the governments concerned.
Here are 2 examples


Gao Zhisheng - Human rights lawyer
Prominent Chinese human rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng has taken on cases of human rights defenders, Falun Gong practitioners and persons facing the death penalty. In December 2006, he was given a suspended sentence of three years in prison for "inciting subversion." Gao was placed under house arrest until February 2009 when he was detained again, apparently because of his outspoken critiques of the human rights situation in China. He briefly resurfaced in April 2010, but has disappeared again since then. Chinese authorities maintain they do not know his whereabouts. Gao reportedly has been harassed, beaten and tortured while under surveillance or in detention.
Take Action: Investigate the disappearance of human rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng
Sri Lanka
Prageeth Eknaligoda - Journalist and cartoonist
Prageeth Eknaligoda was disappeared on January 24, 2010, shortly after leaving work. A few days before, he had published an article supporting the opposition presidential candidate. Local residents told the Sri Lankan press that they had seen a white van without number plates close to his house around the time of his disappearance. In the days leading up to his disappearance he had told a close friend that he believed he was being followed. Since 2006, at least 15 media workers have been killed in Sri Lanka, with no one held accountable for these murders.
Take Action: Investigate the disappearance of journalist Prageeth Eknaligoda

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